Greetings Governor,
We plan to update the game to version 1.0.66 "Gunning for the Top" on 2023/02/16 from 6:00 to 9:00 UTC. Before the update, you can download data in advance via the Update Version tab on the events page to earn rewards. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and will send you a compensation reward once the update is complete.

1. New Alliance Mobilization Event
Governors, get ready for a new way to compete with other alliances! Work together to complete quests and showcase the glory and might of your alliance!
- You can be signed up for this event by your alliance. This event is only open to alliances in a Season of Conquest.
- You can earn points for your alliance during this event by accepting, completing, and turning in quests. Increasing your alliance's total points will increase your alliance's event level and unlock new rewards.
- This event is divided into 5 leagues. The first time they take part in this event, all alliances will be placed in the Fearless Bronze league by default. All alliances in the same league will be randomly formed into groups. Based on your ranking within your group, you may be promoted, relegated, or remain in the same league after the competition ends. The higher your league, the greater the rewards.
Note: This is a recurring event. Check the event calendar to stay informed of when it's starting.
2. Formation System Optimization
- Travel:
- Added the ability to travel with Gems: Once you've used up all your chances to travel using action points, you can spend Gems to travel up to 200 additional times per day.
- Added new "Windfalls": Every time you travel you have a chance to earn Luck. The higher your Luck, the higher your chance of encountering a Windfall when you travel. There is a limit to how much Luck you can earn a day, and your Luck resets every day.
- Improved the description of the rules for traveling with recommended commanders.
2. Armaments:
- Optimized armament icons: Armament icons now display applicable formations.
- Optimized the display of armaments in your inventory: Added formation effects to the inventory interface.
- Optimized armament locking: You can now lock armaments from your inventory.
- Optimized armament recycling: Recycling an armament now requires authentication with a secondary password.
- Optimized inscriptions: Added a more detailed rules for inscriptions.
We would love to hear what you think about this update!
Governors who complete the feedback form before the update goes live will receive a gift within 5 days following the update.
Thank you for supporting Rise of Kingdoms. We hope you enjoy the game!
RoK Group